Stories from the week of September 2, 2011
Posted September 5th, 2011 by hiwayhowieCOP on the Hill
Your Voice in the United States Congress
Recess nearly killed me: 27 presentations this week as the August recess came to a close: 115 for the month. I am worn out. All worthwhile as in this calendar year 269 offices in the House have received a COP presentation, where the marijuana repeal bill was mentioned. I have about 170 more to do this fall. Only twelve (12) offices out of 435 have never had an anti-prohibition presentation – all new Congressmen.
Why not? I will take this Labor Day time to explain how this works. I send out an email invitation to aides at least once a month. In this manner I book about 25% of my meetings. The other 75% will either delete without reading the invitation or never respond. The vast majority of the 75% are aides who are either swamped* or just do not want the ‘work’ of listening. Thus, I go door to door to pick up the vast majority of my presentations. I have to open about 12-15 doors to make one presentation. This is why I go thru so much boot leather (and help burn caloriesJ)
I was unsuccessful during the break to convince a Senate office to sponsor a companion bill to HR 2306. I will hit that nail hard, when I return to the Senate in December.
Where did he learn of me?: A new House employee (not connected to any office) came up to me at lunch on Tuesday. He had heard of my mission and wanted some advice for his combat veteran friend on what the Veterans Administration allowed regarding use of marijuana for the friend’s PTSD. We had a good 7 minute chat and I directed him to the appropriate organization ( I am gratified that knowledge of me and my mission was sufficient for him to just look for the tall guy with a large Stetson.
Happy Birthday COP: Karen had to remind me that COP had started its third year on August 1. I am grateful to all the verbal and financial support that many of you have expressed. Together we have kept a full-time presence of law enforcement in the nation’s capital. We start the third year with a true repeal bill – HR 2306 – that I am working on 24/7 within the confines of being a 501c3. Please take a moment to read the stats at the far bottom. You can take credit for them. Thank you.
*swamped = überbeschäftigt.
Stats for COP’s third year, started on August 1, 2011:
115 presentations to Congressional staffers: 27 this week
1 Letter to the Editor:
2 Other media (blogs, cable TV, etc)
1 (Member of Congress) contacts:
Consider being a member of COP at $30.00 or more per year. All contributions are tax-deductible. Law Enforcement’s voice in opposition to current policy is vital on the Hill to achieve a repeal of federal prohibition. COP provides that voice. If you agree that Modern Prohibition/War on Drugs is the most destructive, dysfunctional and immoral policy since slavery & Jim Crow. Go to: and click on Donate/Join – by credit card or send a check to:
POB 772
Buckeystown, MD 21717
If you have questions or comments, please send an email to:
COP total stats in first two years: August 1, 2009 thru July 31, 2011)
649 Presentations to Congressional staffers
22 Appearances on major TV networks
10 published interviews in newspapers
12 interviews and reports in minor media = blogs, cable TV, etc
57 published letters to the editor (value per MAPINC in free publicity: $56,000)
19 brief chats with Members of Congress
13 chats with other elected officials, state reps, senators, etc.
6 major conferences attended (CPAC, LULAC, NRA, etc)
Permanent invitation to Grover Norquist’s Wednesday brunch attended by 140 conservative VIPs.
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