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Stories from the week of August 25, 2011

COP on the Hill

Your Voice in the United States Congress

Still Busy:   The Great East Coast earthquake did cause me to lose three PM appointments but still managed to make 28 this week.  I was in the Rayburn basement when it happened.  Given the muffled noise* and the shaking, my first thought was a bomb went off in the underground car garage.

 Throw down challenge:  As of this August recess, I have been challenging the aides to state one benefit, one advantage of drug prohibition & I would go home to Texas the next day.   So far, one Legislative Director of a drug warrior quoted a 2010 Rand study that marijuana use would go up, if it were legalized and regulated.  

 Next day I gave Kevin a sheet which spoke of the Rand study.  Problem is the study did not take into account that the how much less alcohol would be consumed by people switching drugs.    Marijuana being much less dangerous than alcohol, any such drug switch would be a net gain for the country.   Try again, I urged.

 Saw you on blog of 500 most interesting people in Washington:  I admit to being a bit startled, when I was in line to buy my slice of pizza and coke on Wednesday.  A staffer, acting a bit star struck, informed me that she had seen my foto in the blog and to say she thought what I was doing was awesome.  See below for the foto and link. I was also mentioned as being one of the Top Ten drug reformers in the country on another blog.   Also below.  NOTE:  I have no idea how many people read these blogs.

 Seriously, I am pleased with any exposure.  Given 33,000 lobbyists in this town, anything which helps a staffer remember you and the issue helps.  On  a related note, I have been showing  the  Reason magazine with the centerfold foto of Misty and me in California, to all staffers whom  I had met before.  Misty has received many compliments on her beauty. = Extra carrots to her this weekend.

 *muffled noise = gedämpfte Lärm

 Blog 1:  Howard Keep on a Comin – http://peoplesdistrict.com/howard-on-keeping-on-a-comin

 Blog 2: Top Ten Drug Reformers: http://www.businesspundit.com/15-of-todays-biggest-advocates-against-the-drug-war-and-police-brutality/

 COPs 2nd year stats to date:

285 presentations to Congressional staffers:  28 this week

TV appearances: 14 … this week (ABC, CBS, NBC, FOX, etc) 

Newspaper stories: 7 dailies, 3 weeklies

Radio appearances: 13 – this week

Published LTE: 20 (this week) –see below

Other media (bloggers, cable TV, minor publications, etc): 12   (this week)

 12 (Member of Congress) contacts:     this week

6 other VIP (state Senators & Reps):   

Consider being a member of COP at $30.00 or more per year.   All contributions are tax-deductible.   Your support keeps the COP voice loud and strong in the halls of the United States Congress.   We agree that Modern Prohibition/War on Drugs is the most destructive, dysfunctional and immoral policy since slavery & Jim Crow.  Go to: www.CitizensOpposingProhibition.org and click on Donate/Join – by credit card or send a check to:


POB 772

Buckeystown, MD  21717

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