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COPs on the Hill:Stories from the week of April 8, 2011

COPs on the Hill

Your Voice in the United States Congress

CATO:  I attended a three hour economic seminar at CATO, where 3 Senators and one Congressman spoke.  Seated in the last row, I learned waving my cowboy hat was an effective technique to be noticed and was called upon twice.  .  My question concerned our ability to borrow more trillions at the current low rate (3.5%) and the other was to a Senator on whether we could have confidence that the new, “born again” Republicans will stop spending money.

 At the reception afterwards I had 7-8 people come up to say hi and thank me for the questions.  I then turned the chat towards drug prohibition and made several good contacts.

GROVER’S  BRUNCH: While chatting with my buddy Colin Hanna, two Congressmen walked up to say hi to him.  I was introduced and we enjoyed a two minute chat.  Later one of them gave the group the proposed 2012 US budget of the National Republican Congressional Committee. Never hurts to be seen with powerful folks.  NOTE:  Colin and I share a love of horses and that is how we came to be buddies and sit next to each other.

LEADERSHIP INSTITUTE:  At this monthly breakfast I was able to ask Congressman Tom Price a budget question.  All told this week I either had a chat with or asked a question of 8 Members of Congress.    My best week ever.  NOTE:  One can not always ask questions on drug policy.   This week was all about the budget.

 Lovefest:  The main reason I am writing less about my presentations to Member aides is because the chats lack the fire and controversy of earlier years.   Republican aides are leaning heavily in the direction of the Ron Paul Libertarian, 10th Amendment (states’s rights) crowd.  The Democratic aides agree with the COP position for the many harms done to society by prohibition.   There is simply nothing to report. 


 COPs 2nd year stats to date:

 TV appearances: 11 (ABC, CBS, NBC and FOX, cable) 

Newspaper stories: 7 dailes, 3 weeklies

Radio appearances: 7 

Published LTE: 13 ( none this week)

Other media (bloggers, cable TV, minor publications, etc): 9

 145  presentations to Congressional staffers:  13  this week

12  (Member of Congress) contacts: 4 this week

5 other VIP (MD state Senator & Rep):   

Consider being a member of COPs at $30.00 or more per year.   All contributions are tax-deductible.   Your support keeps the COPs voice loud and strong in the halls of the United States Congress.   We agree that Modern Prohibition/War on Drugs is the most destructive, dysfunctional and immoral policy since slavery & Jim Crow.  Go to: www.CitizensOpposingProhibition.org and click on Donate/Join – by credit card or send a check to:


POB 772

Buckeystown, MD  21717

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