COPs on the Hill: Stories from the week of May 14, 2010
Posted May 21st, 2010 by hiwayhowie
COPs on the Hill
Stories from the week of May 14, 2010
Still mostly silence from the Congress: On Thursday the House Judiciary Committee had Attorney General* Holder as their sole witness. Chairman Conyers’second item in his opening remarks was directed at the failed war on drugs (his words). However, though nearly every Member aked questions, no one brought up the issue in the macro during the 4 hour hearing.
Looking for ideas: At Grover’s brunch this week I listened to Congressman Neugebauer of Texas ask for ideas which the Republicans would turn into bills and force theDemocrats to vote against. The ideas must focus on limited government and increasing personal freedom. I wrote up my idea of repealing federal prohibition of cannabis. …No, I won’t hold my breath.
When I am not here…: I had been holding my breath since January that the House version of the Webb –National Criminal Justice Commission Act- would be introduced. Of course it was introduced a few days after I arrived in Oregon. HR 5143 mirrors the Senate S-714 word for word.
After only five years (smiley face here) the bill I wanted has been introduced. Despite new support from the Chiefs of Police, Fraternal Order of Police and the National Narcotics Officers— it may not get thru this year. Senator NO (Coburn-R Oklahoma) is the problem in the Senate. All of reform is working very hard to see that the president signs the bill before August recess. I will keep you posted.. Small step.
Spreading the word: To date five people bought the COPs t-shirt in Oregon. The most popular logo? “MOMS say legalize pot.” Go moms!!
*Attorney General = Bundes Staatsanwalt
COP stats since August 2009:
348 presentations to Congressional Staffers
7 presentations to VIPs (elected officials)
33 published Letters to the Editor (that we know of)
Numerous conferences, hearings & briefings attended. C-Span broadcast my question at a Senate briefing
11 radio shows
6 TV interviews (Colombian TV, Fox and Univision)
Consider being a member of COPs at $30.00 or more per year. It is tax-deductible. Add your voice to those who agree that Modern Prohibition/War on Drugs is the most destructive, dysfunctional and immoral policy since slavery & Jim Crow. Go to: and click on Donate/Join – by credit card or check.
Detective/Officer Howard Wooldridge (retired)
Drug Policy Specialist, COP –
Washington, DC
817-975-1110 Cell
Citizens Opposing Prohibition – Become a Member
PO Box 772
Buckeystown, MD 21717-0772
Modern Prohibition/The War on Drugs is the most destructive, dysfunctional & immoral domestic policy since slavery & Jim Crow.
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