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COP on the Hill: Stories from the week of September 7, 2012

COP on the Hill

Stories from the week of September 7, 2012

May I walk with you Governor?:  Walking back to my car in order to take a well-deserved, late morning nap – X Gov. Ed Rendell (D-PA) was coming toward me on the same sidewalk.  He replied I could walk with him for a minute.  The gist* of our 2 minute chat was what I told all the commentators this week; namely the longest running war in our history was the 40 year, trillion dollar failure of the War on Drugs/Drug Prohibition(not the war in Afghanistan).    Of course, I informed Rendell and the others about COP & LEAP and left them with my card.

NOTE:  Fortune favors the bold..just walk up to a VIP and ask for a minute of their time.

*gist = im westentlichem

The Democratic Convention in Charlotte:  As I said last week, Tampa was worth going but just barely.  Thus I was in doubt about spending the time and money to drive to Charlotte.  Luckily I asked several COP board members and they shouted “YES!!” go and do.. 

I was a spectator for 3 live shows of Joe in the Morning and the Daily Rundown with Chuck Todd.  I positioned myself (by arriving at 0330) to make sure the guests of the show read the shirt.  Joe honored COP by reading the shirt out loud to the 40 in line and finished by saying, “Yeah.”  Another of his regular commentators read the shirt out loud inside the bar and finished by saying “I don’t have to ask.  I already know why.” 

On the Chuck Todd show I positioned myself behind him, so the camera picked up “COPS SAY – LEGALIZE” every time the camera showed Chuck.  One  of his camera crew came over to me before the show started to take my foto with his cell phone = he has my card for any possible future use….I was unable to grab two minutes with Chuck Todd. ..however I did grab 2 minutes with his producer (she was also a supervisor for Joe’s show) – we chatted and she has a card.

VIPs with whom I had my famous, two minute chats = your support in action:

X-Gov. Ed Rendell of Pennsylvania (now a frequent commentator for MSNBC)

Gov. Martin O’Malley (Dem – Maryland) and undeclared 2016 presidential candidate

Attorney General Harris (D- CA)

Attorney General Biden (D- DE)

State Rep from SC

 Joe Scarborough – x Congressman from Florida and host of Joe in the Morning TV show

David Gregory – host Meet the Press

John Heilmann – commentator and regular of Joe in the Morning

Michael Steele – x LT. Gov of Maryland, x head of Republican National Comm. & now commentator

 After my power naps on Wednesday and Thursday (in my car w/ AC running), I just stood on the sidewalk near the convention center 4 hours each day.  This yielded 4 in camera interviews with non-major TV networks, 7 print/blog interviews + north of* a couple hundred fotos taken.  The shirt sells itself.  Maybe I should start charging a dollar per foto to help cover expenses?

 *North of = mehr als

 The trip resulted in one of, if not my most productive week in the past 6 years.  Yes, I was dead-tired and my feet/legs ached from standing for 8 hours in my cowboy boots.   Okay enough whining.  I will recover…if slowly.

 PS>. .arriving home late on Friday afternoon, I had 15 minutes before I did an hour on the radio station below.

 Howard Wooldridge – Cannabis Nation Radio – Marijuana, Cannabis
Howard Wooldridge, a retired police detective spends his time educating citizens about the failed war on drugs.

 Fourth year stats for COP- August 1, 2012 thru July 31, 2013:

50 Presentations to Congressional staffers: this week

3 Radio interviews:  1 this week

13 Blog, cable TV, minor media events:  11 this week

2 seminar, hearing or briefing attended:  this week

10 Presentations to lesser VIPs: 9 this week


Total stats for COP in first 3 years:


  • 944 Presentations to Congressional staffers
  • 26 Appearances on major TV networks
  • 14 published interviews in major (daily)newspapers
  • 27 interviews and reports in minor media = blogs, cable TV, etc
  • 66 published letters to the editor (value per MAPINC in free publicity: $65,000)
  • 2 editorials in daily papers mentioning my efforts & in support of COP position
  • 33 brief chats with Members of Congress
  • 19 chats with other elected officials, state reps, senators, etc.
  • 10 major conferences attended (CPAC, LULAC, NRA, etc)
  • Permanent invitation to Grover Norquist’s Wednesday brunch attended by 150 conservative leaders.   Named the “Grand Central Station of the Conservative Movement.”


  • Consider being a member of COP at $30.00 or more per year.   All contributions are tax-deductible.   Law Enforcement’s voice in opposition to current policy is vital on the Hill to achieve a repeal of federal prohibition.  COP provides that voice.   If you agree that Modern Prohibition/War on Drugs is the most destructive, dysfunctional and immoral policy since slavery & Jim Crow…  Go to:






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