COP on the Hill: Stories from the week of July 6 & July 13, 2018
Posted July 13th, 2018 by hiwayhowieCOP on the Hill:
Stories from the week of July 6 & July 13, 2018
136 Doors: After a delightful, pretty cool soirée at the German Embassy, the mundane work of opening 136 House doors to distribute the 2018, cheerful news updates brought me back to Earth. There has been so much positive news in the last six months, I decided to distribute it now (rather than wait for January 2019). And not for nothing, spending a few minutes in each office reminds the staff of the issue. It will take a couple more weeks to finish all 535 offices.
Au Canada: I finished my comments by saying I am also a lobbyist for the “Canada Travel Bureau.” I asked the staffer to circle October 17 for travel/vacation plans, as a great day to visit Canada, as the trees would be in full color and cool temps. I emphasized that the colors will be even more spectacular on the 17th vs 16, as all Canada goes legal marijuana on the 17. About 4 in 5 staffers broke out in grins.
NOTE: staffers have so many groups coming in daily, discussing life and death issues, my experience is they appreciate a moment of lightness and humor.
This week’s stats:
2815 Presentations to Congressional staffers… 25 this week
271 personal chats with a Member of Congress… 02 (CMan Kelly R-MS & Cman Amodei R-NV) this week
255 chats with other elected officials, state reps, senators, VIPs, etc. 01 this week (1 person running for the House this fall)
1 Meeting – meetings, hearings, etc.
COP stats since inception: August 2009
78 Appearances/Interviews on major TV/Radio/Print media. 00..This week (Fox, ABC, CBS, NBC, Univision, BBC, CNN, NPR, German, Swiss, French, Spanish TV and radio)
84 Radio Interviews. 0 this week
152 interviews and reports in minor media = 0 this week.
Weekly attendance at Grover Norquist’s Wednesday brunch attended by 150 conservative leaders. Named the “Grand Central Station of the Conservative Movement.”
* 2 editorials in daily papers mentioning Howard’s efforts & in support of COP position
84 published letters to the editor (value per MAPINC in free publicity: $83,000) 0 this week
43 published interviews/foto in major (daily) newspapers or magazine… 0 this week
29 major conferences attended – (United Nations drug conference, CPAC, LULAC, NRA, CBC, ASA, DPA, Dem & Repub. Presidential conventions., National Review, Republican Annual Retreat etc.) 00 this week
* Consider being a member of COP at $40.00 or more per year. All contributions are tax-deductible. 40 dollars buys all the copy paper COP uses in one year. Law Enforcement’s voice in opposition to current policy is vital on the Hill to achieve a repeal of federal prohibition. COP provides that voice.
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