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COP on the Hill: Stories from the week of August 3, 2012

COP on the Hill

Estimada Embajadora:  I attended along with a 100 others attended a presentation by the Drug Czar – Gil Kerlikowske.  The theme was how our drug prohibition policies are affecting other countries in the Americas.  No surprise that his speech described how the cartels were moving into new countries, causing misery and death.  Our response is additional aid and words of comfort and support. 

Sadly, I was not called upon to ask a question.  What was striking was Kerlikowske often mentioned that legalization would not solve or help any problem in the Americas.  He felt the need, over and over, to convince the audience that legalization was of no benefit to any country in the Americas.  Small steps.

I have been at this since 1997.  I have seen these steps unfold.  The fans of prohibition are now in the third phase ‘they fight you.’

Recall the words of Ghandi:  “First they ignore you, then they ridicule you, then they fight you, then you win.” – –  Mahatma Gandhi

 After the ‘show’ I did have a chat with the Washington Post reporter.  I then moved on to have a 4 minute chat with the ambassador from Costa Rica, who was sympathetic to the COP position.  Finally, I  entered into a chat with 4 staffers from several Central American countries.  They were vocal about how American policy was hurting their countries, not quite saying (they are diplomats after all) they agreed with Guatemalan President Perez on the need to legalize all drugs.  The last two chats were in Spanish, naturalmente.

Drug policies = crowded prisons:  On Wednesday I attended a Senate Judiciary hearing on our over-crowded prisons.  Suffice to say I was pleased when two of the three witnesses pointed out that drug crimes were filling our prisons.  Chairman Leahy even said he was now embarrassed to have voted for some mandatory minimum bills decades ago.  Small steps.

Note:  I am not back full-time, as Karen has entered the chemo stage.  I work as her condition allows. 


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