COP on the Hill: Stories from the week of August 28, 2009
Posted August 28th, 2009 by hiwayhowieCOP on the Hill
Stories from the week of August 28, 2009
Somebody reads what I write: The Congressional Quarterly honored me recently, quoting part of a letter I wrote. Me thinks after three years, I am becoming an overnight success. The entire Letter to the Editor from which CQ quotes is at the bottom. If you click on ‘she states’ you can read the original news article.
Behind the Lines for Tuesday, August 18, 2009 — 3 P.M.
By David C. Morrison, Special to Congressional Quarterly
“Terrorism, potential natural disasters, H1N1,” DHS’s Janet Napolitano replies when asked by WTOP 103.5 FM’s J.J. Green what worries her most, while refusing to prioritize threats like “ranking NFL football teams” — and check Queerty on her New York Times Magazine Q&A. “What planet is Janet Napolitano living on, when she states the United States and Mexico are winning the drug war?” retired Michigan cop Howard Wooldridge demands in The Windsor (Ont.) Star. Urging Napolitano to “peruse” an immigration report, The Phoenix New Times’ Stephen Lemons oozes hometown familiarity/contempt, adding: “Being that Nappy’s a lawyer, I’m pretty sure she can read.”
Make hay while the sun shines: Given the relatively relaxed pace of the Hill during the August recess, I learned my first year that the most efficient method to make presentations was to NOT make appointments. Thus, I feel very much like a Fuller brush salesman, going from door to door & asking if Legislative Aide Bill or Wendy has a few minutes. This week I made 38 presentations to staffers, including a brain-draining, record 12 on Thursday. Tired and happy I was.
NOTE: The COP website is up, though much under construction. Please be patient. A talented volunteer is working on it as much as he can in between making a living.
So how is drug war being won?
Windsor Star
Published: Monday, August 17, 2009
Re: U.S., Mexico winning drug war, Napolitano
What planet is U.S. Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano living on, when she states the U.S. and Mexico are winning the drug war? My profession, police, has been slugging it out in the trenches for 40 years now.
The results? Drugs are cheaper, stronger and much easier for our children to buy.
We had body counts in Vietnam to show we’re winning. Napolitano now uses how many kilograms and bullets seized. Despite 40 million victories -Americans arrested on drug charges -we live in a country saturated with drugs and drug dealers.
When will we in the U.S. and Canada become as wise as my grandparents were in 1933 and repeal modern “Prohibition?”
Howard Wooldridge
Adamstown, Md.
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