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Howard on the Hill: Stories from the week of December 11, 2009


Straw or Beaver:* As I said a short while ago, they keep the temperature high in the Congressional buildings near 72 (22C). This morning while I was preparing four snake oil kits (info I give each staffer), I tried to decide whether to wear the summer straw hat for more comfort or the winter beaver hat which looks better and is more appropriate. Since there was two inches of the snow on the ground and the temp below freezing, I put the beaver hat on my head.

After finishing my yearly meeting (an excellent 20 minute chat) with the Senate Majority Leader’s chief counsel in the Capitol itself, those in the elevator said there was room for one more. I spied a Senator and boldly stepped. The Senator read outloud my name plate, “ C O P. What’s that? You a cop?” “Retired detective,” I replied & added “Citizens Opposing Prohibition. I am the police voice on the Hill in opposition –said slightly louder and then a short pause –to our failed war on drugs.”

He stuck out his hand and said, “ Bob Corker.” From Tennessee I replied. At that instant the gentleman in the back I did not recognize stuck out his hand saying, “John Thune.” South Dakota I replied and ‘it is an honor.’ No time for even a 10 second pitch. The elevator door opened and we all went our separate ways. So glad I wore the winter hat.

Tipping Point Coming?: Also this week a tourist in the elevator asked about my name plate. I gave my 15 second elevator speech. He left saying, ‘Good luck with your struggle.’ When people ask about the meaning of COP, 4 in 5 will express support for our position. Senator Corker and Thune did not give me the cold shoulder*, rather they introduced themselves shaking my hand. Change is in the air?

Health care commands attention: Only 13 presentations this week. Everyone is pitching in to help Senators with the health care debate. I am grateful for the time they do give me.

*beaver = Biber
*cold shoulder = unhöflich jemand zu sein – unbeachtet lassen

Consider being a member of COP at $30.00 per year. Keep a police presence on the Hill in opposition to prohibition policy. Add your voice to those who agree that Modern Prohibition/War on Drugs is the most destructive, dysfunctional and immoral policy since slavery & Jim Crow.


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