• Congressman Garrett (VA-R)

  • Gov. Chris Christy (NJ-R)

  • Colorado 2012

  • California Field Work, Prop 19


2018 Summary of COP Activities

The Numbers:

264 presentations to Congressional Staff
27 chats with Members of Congress
129 chats with other VIPs (state reps, state senators, etc.)
04 Minor press interviews
27 TV interviews, major press comments
4 radio interviews
2 Major conferences attended
3 major newspaper interviews


Salaries: 000
Website Master: 000, time/expertise donated by Dwight Maskew of Colorado
990 Preparations and misc. bookkeeping: 000 – time and expertise donated by Karen Anderson

Mileage & Mass Transit: 2042
Meals: 1145
Office Supplies: 351
Misc: 375
Internet & Phone: 1265
Conventions : ALEC, CPAC, National Review Cruise : 5578

Total: 10,756 Monies raised in 2018: circa 12,500

Work done in 2018:

Congress – COP continued to focus on educating the Congress which resulted in steady progress toward our goal of applying the 10th Amendment to marijuana. In 2018 we gathered enough votes in the House and the Senate to pass our 10th legislation but Republican leader ship blocked any vote. As a COP member, be proud of the part you have played in making this happen.

Nationally – COP spoke truth to power at three major political events. Though expensive, the all conservative crowds at these events are the leaders who return home, infected with anti-prohibition ideas and talking points.

Internationally – COP no longer goes to the United Nation’s world summit on drugs in Vienna This decision taken, when we realized that there was so little bang for the money and time spent. COP continues to promote to all Members of Congress and the White House the Swiss Heroin Treatment Program.

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